Uncategorized Feb 18, 2020

If you are reading this then you are more than likely one of the 80% of us worldwide who are currently suffering with back pain. You have probably had to miss work at least once as a result of the pain and you are a regular visitor to the doctor, chiropractor or therapist. You are also contributing to the billions that is spent each year on back pain; and that is just for the more easily identified costs. You are probably also taking some form of pain relief and you know you should be exercising but the lack of mobility and pain make it almost impossible to take part in a regular program.

How about this statistic though?

Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic, meaning they are not caused by conditions such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

So what is the number one cause of so much pain?

SHORT, TIGHT MUSCLES – the majority of people’s back problems are a direct result of poor postural alignment.

It is that simple. The fact is that when muscles become short and tight they draw bones closer together resulting in poor joint mobility, pain and discomfort. Tight muscles will literally hold your body in a restricted position. When a joint is immobile it loses much of its natural lubrication (synovial fluid) that is produced as a result of movement.

Tight muscles = poor mobility = pain and discomfort.

Pain and discomfort = poor mobility = even tighter muscles.

It really is a vicious circle!

Today’s lifestyle, for the majority of us, dictates that we sit for hours each day, week after week, month after month and year after year. This position will eventually force the body out of alignment, leading to lower and upper back problems, lack of energy, a collapsed ribcage, loss of waistline, loss of abdominal support, the shoulders rolling forward and the head sitting in an incorrect position causing neck pain and TMJ dysfunction.

Look at the diagram below. The skeleton to the left as you look at the page is how we should look for correct postural alignment, however, too many of us fit into the other categories with bones being forced out of neutral. You don’t have to have a degree in anatomy to see how the three other figures would have major issues in their spine.

Let me give you an example of how when a muscle is short and tight it can cause back pain.

We have a muscle called Iliopsoas. Iliopsoas is made up of psoas major and Iliacus and is one of our hip flexor muscles responsible for hip flexion i.e. lifting the leg to climb stairs.


Sitting for long periods will shorten this muscle. Our muscles are attached to bone and originate in one area (the origin) and insert into another area (insertion). Psoas originates at the vertebrae in our lumbar (lower) region of our spine, it threads through our pelvis and attaches to our femur bone on the front of our leg. Now when this muscle is short and tight it will draw the pelvis into a posterior tilt i.e. your bottom will push back and the lower curve of your spine will deepen forcing your abdominals out. When your pelvis is being held in this restricted position day in day out the vertebrae in your lower back will be compressed causing the surrounding muscles to tighten causing pain and poor mobility in this area. Over time the gel within the discs will start to bulge causing herniation/slipped discs; now you really are in pain!

If you regularly stretch Psoas the muscle will allow the pelvis to sit in a more neutral position. You will regain mobility in the lower back, the gel within the discs will be massaged evenly around the disc avoiding bulging of the gel which may have been pressing on a nerve causing your pain and discomfort and your abdomen will pull in.

A tight psoas goes hand in hand with weak abdominals and core support. Therefore improved flexibility will, not only result in reduced pain in the lumbar region of your spine, but you will have a flatter abdomen!

Taking part in a regular stretch program that focuses on lengthening and elongating the muscles that affect postural alignment will highlight which muscles are drawing your body out of alignment. In very little time, daily stretching will return you to a more neutral position. The results can be life changing. As you start to regain flexibility your joints improve their mobility and everyday movements become easier. Your body will start to move naturally and fluidly and joint stiffness and pain will be a distant memory.



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